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Root Cause Issues - Quickly Find the Source of Problems

Powerful Root Cause Analysis

Automated Alerts 

Set predefined limits and alerts to keep you informed if your manufacturing begins to trend toward non-conformance or out-of-spec scenarios. Be instantly made aware if problems arise with automated email alerts or color-coded dashboards. Set up real-time monitors on the shop floor to keep your teams up to speed on their production quality. 

Find the Cause of Issues Quickly

QDM PDA gives you powerful statistical and analysis tools to mine your data quickly and find the source of problems. Quickly run data analyses to see how new updates and process changes affected your manufacturing, and find out exactly when, and where problems began. 

Use MBD to Design Solutions

Utilize Model-Based Definition by bringing your measurement data into your model using DCS Closed Loop processes. This connection between QDM and 3DCS analysis software lets you leverage your CAD model as a powerful root-cause analysis tool, and more importantly, use simulation to test solutions in order to find the best option the first time. 

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Automated Alerts Keep You Informed

Use automated alerts to instantly make you aware of issues as they arise, so you are never caught off-guard or surprised. 
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Powerful Root-Cause Analysis Tools

Use QDM PDA to dive deep into your data and find the true source of your manufacturing issues. 
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Connect CAD Models for Advanced Root-Cause Analysis

Utilize Closed Loop and Model-Based Definition to bring measurement data into your CAD model to analyze the issue and design a solution. 
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