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QDM Template Maker

Create reusable templates and forms for a QDM System to instantly populate with data. These can be crafted for a specific customer, part, product, plant, or program information. Or create quality documents like Ppaps and First Article Inspection Reports (FAIR) as templates that can be created instantly with any selected data set in the QDM System. 

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Create Custom Templates and Reuse Them with New Data

Build templates and upload them to a QDM Platform, then select any data set to populate the template to instantly create reports. 

Issue Number One
Keep It Short
Issue Number Two
Keep It Short
Issue Number Three
Keep It Short

Instantly Create Reports

Automate report and form creation from given data sets and timed to deliver at specific intervals. Start every day with the previous day's data on your desk. 

Instant Compliance Reports

Create FAIR, Ppaps, and Quality Reports on Demand

Use saved forms and templates that can be instantly populated with new data to create First Article Inspection Reports (FAIR), Ppap's and other quality reports. 

Build Reusable Forms
Instantly create Ppap, compliance reports, FAIR, and quality reports

Customer Specific Reports

Create Custom reusable reports for each customer

Customize your forms and templates for each customer, then instantly generate customer reports specific to each customer's parts with the push of a button. 

Customize Your Reports

Create a Report Once, Use It a Thousand Times with New Data

Use Data From Any CAD or Measurement System

Use CAD or Images to Add Context to Your Reports

Want to Try It Yourself?

Similar to QDM ANALYST, QDM 3D Template Maker uses raw data or data from a QDM System to populate templates and forms to instantly create new reports. It is also used to create new templates and forms with easy drag-and-drop interfaces. Interested?

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