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QDMWEB QualityScan

Upgrade your system by adding QualityScan Clients to view your data in 3D without having to install any software

Open your data in QDMWEB QualityScan to view job summaries, and your measurement data in 3D

View your scan data in complete 3D without installing any software. Simply click a button in QDMWEB QI to launch QDM QualityScan to begin. 


  • See your data as a color contour to quickly see and show where issues are on your parts. 
  • Organize your data into batches with jobs, key characteristics, and product families. Sort your by data by time, shift, and latest number of samples. 
  • Overview of your data - see trends for all inspections, or key characteristics, as well as statistical metrics like Ppk. 
  • Reports - create different reports based on user requirements – focus on project parts with statistical metrics shown for each feature 
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Scan Page

Leverage Your Scan Data for Powerful Analysis

View Your Data as 3D Color Maps, Statistical Reports, Summary Dashboards

QDM ScanWEB browser-based application provides access from any point through the secured company network. The software generates an interactive 3D deviation color plot for each individual inspection set. QDM ScanWEB allows users to visualize results and create their own reporting, custom analysis, and correlations.


  • Browser-Based - no software to install
  • Add to existing QDM Systems or start from the ground up
  • Generate custom or standard reports to view your measurement results


Launch from QDMWEB QI

Bring your data from QDMWEB

Let QDMWEB QI collect and standardize all of your data, then send it to QDMWEB QualityScan with the push of a button to view it in 3D


Dashboard Summaries

See all your data sets and jobs

Once you've launched QDMWEB QualityScan, see all of your data and batches by your chosen criteria; date, shift, product families, key characteristics, and more

Features Page with Nominal CAD


Check Each Data Set

View its key metrics

Click through each data set to view key statistical metrics and see the scanned points on your CAD model

Scan Page


Use Color Mapping for Visual Understanding

See your data to instantly understand problem areas

A picture is worth a thousand words, and no more than in quality. Use color mapping to quickly see trouble areas on your parts, and convey to stakeholders the issue for fast recognition and problem solving

Door Outer Scan Page


Include Tooling and Fixtures

How do your fixtures and tooling affect the build?

Incorporate tooling and fixtures into your study and reports to showcase how they affect the scanned area, the overall build, and the resulting quality



Assign Permissions

Control data access on a per-user basis

Create roles for fast assignment of permissions or add specific permissions for each user to control access to data and analysis. Make is easy for each user to find the data they need, and only the data they need, when they log into the system. 

Report Edit Page


Create Custom Reports

Communicate Clearly

Utilize CAD context in order to clearly communicate with stakeholders, managers, colleagues, customers, and suppliers exactly what your quality is, and where. 

Issue Number One
Keep It Short
Issue Number Two
Keep It Short
Issue Number Three
Keep It Short

Bring Scanned Data and CAD Together

Use CAD with your scanned data for powerful reports that allow for fast comprehension and easy sharing with key stakeholders

Seeing is Believing

Show your scanned points with real context

Leader lines show where each point is measured with values and color codes to easily see which values are out of specification. 

Door Outer Scan Page
Create Reusable Templates & Forms
Instantly populate with data to create reports. Feed up into dashboards.

Customize to Your Needs

Change the view, data, callouts, color range, specifications, metrics...

Gain complete control over what you are showing and how. Utilize this to show exactly what you want to show without any extra while providing a clear understanding of the scanned data results. 


Take Your Scanned Data to a New Level

Organize, View, Summarize, and Report


Take complete control of your data to understand exactly what is happening and communicate effectively with stakeholders to make important quality decisions. 

Statistical Metrics

Get an immediate overview of your scanned data, then drill down into specific data sets, organizing it by date, batch, job, product family, part number, or other criteria to help you find what you need when you need it. 

Contextual Measurements

See all of the measurements directly associated with their CAD feature for immediate recognition of quality results. Show stakeholders precisely where the issues are with color maps and dashboards. 

Custom Reports

Create custom reports to communicate efficiently with colleagues to promote fast problem recognition and resolution. 

See It For Yourself

Get your hands around your scanned data!

Have one of our experts walk you through how QDM ScanWEB can help your team tackle your scanned data and improve your quality efficiency

See It Yourself! Request a Virtual Tour