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QDM uses a central server to store and unify your data. That data is then available for real-time monitoring, analysis, reporting and problem resolution. 

Data at Your Fingers, Fast with Mobile, Cloud and Web

Custom and Automated Reports

Use Any Measurement Instrument and Source

QDM is all about access. It gives you control of access to your data, letting your people access their data fast, and from anywhere, or letting you control it, letting only those with permissions securely access it. This gives you access to the information you need, from any data source, anywhere in the world, on any device. 

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Features of the QDM System

QDM is a modular system that can be quickly built to suite your needs

By choosing off-the-shelf modules and combining them into a system, you have the ability to create a custom system at low cost that can be quickly scaled up or down based on your business demands. 


Quality Intelligence

QDM gives you the information you need, when you need it; not just the raw data. 

Instant Access to Data

Use your phone, tablet, laptop or workstation PC to view your data from anywhere in the world. 

Secure and Protected

Put the QDM server behind your secure network, or use DCS's secure Cloud Network to control access and keep your data safe. 

Decision Making Format

Once you receive your data, it will be ready to use and share as dashboards, quality metrics, scorecards and interactive graphical and statistical reports. 



Three Different Deployments Scaled to Your Business Needs

Single Site, Plant Level and Multi-Plant Setups get you up and running fast

QDM has three different deployments to make it easy to get up and running. Quickly add modules to any configuration to upgrade in size and scope, or reduce the functionality to just what you need. 

Single Site - Basic Setup

Inspection Lab, Single CMM or Small Business 

Pull all of your data together into one source, and output custom reports for customers and managers. 

Use any measurement device and bring all your data into one server to standardize it and make it easy to draw from and report. 

Begin with a basic setup and add modules to customize it to fit your business needs. 

Single Plant - Plant Level Setup

Information Shared Across the Plant

Create a streamlined quality process across your entire plant. Bring your current processes into the digital world by implementing a QDM system to support. 

Monitor and report on production lines. Create dashboards for parts, product lines, projects and individual plants to get instant insight into your quality metrics. 

Use manual inputs for hand measurements along with automated collection from machines to keep your data flowing into your server. 

Utilize advanced SPC analysis to dig into your production data to predict and resolve manufacturing issues. 

Enterprise - Multi-Plant Setup

Share Quality Across Your Global Enterprise

Track and manage your entire supply chain by connecting them to your system. Automate the collection of their data and standardize it into an easy to use and understand format. 

Create dashboards for plants, regions, product line and the entire company to understand your quality at each level of production. 

Interconnect your plants to keep track of production quality, allowing advanced analysis of your data to reduce scrap, rework and waste across your entire organization. 

On-Site Deployment

Deploy the server and system behind your firewall, giving you full control of your data and information. 

Cloud Deployment

Utilize QDM in the cloud to quickly setup and run, letting DCS handle all of your system's IT requirements, leaving you to focus on what's most important; your quality. 

View QDM software modules »

We have one that suits your needs!

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